Join us for a transformative experience where the magnetic energy of nature intertwines with the essence of your daily existence, offering a sanctuary to leave burnout behind.
Unlock Your Potential

Replenish Retreat

Picture this: You wake up with a sense of peace and possibility. But beneath the surface, you carry the weight of modern life—the stress, the distractions, the constant barrage of noise that threatens to drown out your inner voice. You long for a reprieve, a sanctuary where you can reconnect with yourself and rediscover what truly matters.

That’s where we come in. Our wellness retreat is more than just a getaway—it’s a journey of self-discovery and renewal. Through a carefully curated blend of daily practices, personalized skin care, and transformative workshops, we offer you the tools to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience.

Imagine starting each day with a guided meditation, setting the intention to cultivate inner peace and presence. Through breath work exercises and somatic practices, you’ll learn to tune into your body’s wisdom, unlocking a deeper understanding of yourself and your potential.

But the magic doesn’t stop there.

Our one-on-one coaching sessions provide personalized support and guidance, helping you unravel the layers of conditioning and limiting beliefs that hold you back. Together, we’ll create a roadmap for transformation, empowering you to step into your authentic power and embrace life with confidence and clarity.

And perhaps most importantly, you’ll find community—like-minded souls who share your journey and hold space for your growth. Grounded in authenticity and mutual support, our community offers a refuge from the noise of the outside world, a place where you can be seen, heard, and fully embraced for who you are.

As you immerse yourself in this holistic experience, you’ll feel the layers of stress and distraction begin to melt away, replaced by a profound sense of calm and clarity. With a balanced nervous system and a renewed sense of purpose, you’ll emerge from our retreat ready to navigate life’s ups and downs.

If you’re ready to let go of the chaos and distraction and reclaim your inner peace, we invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Say yes to yourself, and step into a life guided by vitality, purpose, and connection.

The journey starts here. Are you ready?

Retreat Educators & Hosts


certified trauma informed breathwork facilitator & reiki practitioner

Greetings! I offer opportunities to connect deeply within yourself and within intimate groups. With a background in breathwork, meditation, somatic practices, reiki, energy clearing techniques, plant medicine, and fascia release & lymphatic drainage techniques, I’ll share both practical exercises & reflective practices that will help you find balance within your body and nervous system.

My goal is to help you discover the wisdom and beauty within through contemplative practices and movement, offering you tools to help you feel more resourced, aligned and connected. I am continually inspired by the ecology that is both within us and the ecology of our broader communities.

My wish for each of you is to feel as if you have finally come home – embracing your inner knowing and resting in an unwavering sense of belonging & safety.


holistic licensed esthetician + clean beauty educator

Hello There, I’m Kelli – an esthetician specializing in holistic skin health and eco beauty. When I’m not with my clients creating skin care solutions, teaching a makeup lesson or getting a couple ready for their wedding, you’ll find me in nature.

For the past 22 years I’ve helped people get consistent with their skin health. I have a passion for plant-based, botanical ingredients that repair and heal, coupled with a medical grade quality that encourages real results.

Helping others understand the correlation between their daily rituals and how they feel about their skin is the most important part of what I do.

It’s my goal to find all the pieces that make you unique and curate a guide to help you protect and keep your skin feeling and looking its best.


evolutionary astro-herbalist & certified wellness educator

Hi, I’m Traci – a certified health coach, passionate about exploring the depths of the collective waking dream in each moment, as I honor the invitation to unveil the multidimensional mysteries of your soul. Astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys have been important tools in helping my clients discover the places with-in that don’t feel true, well or free. Focusing on your bio-field expression, gives me an accurate picture of the blueprint of your evolutionary landscape and how to remedy imbalances. I create custom medicinals and experiential exercises, to help remedy, fortify, stabilize and balance your system throughout this involution/evolution process.

My greatest wish is that we all get to live authentically, as the unique expression that we came here to be! It is my honor to bring my work to our retreat, where we will all bring our individual expression, to play and co-create at the evolutionary edge, of this collective shift in consciousness.


In the pursuit of success and authenticity, there’s one essential journey we all must embark upon: the journey inward. It’s about understanding ourselves on a deeper level and aligning with the energies, people, places, and things that bring us to our highest potential. And there’s no better place to begin this transformative journey than in the serene haven of the Pacific Northwest.

The west coast isn’t just a destination; it’s a catalyst for self-discovery. Here, amidst the tranquil beauty of the Pacific coastline and the vibrant culture of our brilliant mountains, you’ll find the perfect environment to explore who you are and who you want to become. Imagine waking up each morning surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature and the warm embrace of a community that values authenticity and personal growth. This is a place where you can design a daily ritual that nourishes your mind, body, and soul, setting the stage for a life of balance and profound success.

Immerse yourself in a transformative all-inclusive holistic eco wellness retreat—an unparalleled fusion of luxury and holistic rejuvenation crafted to nourish your energy. Delve into the transformative power of sacred healing and holistic wellness practices amidst the breathtaking natural surroundings of our oasis. Reconnect with your inner self as you release stress and embark on a journey of self-discovery, guided by our intuitive and empowering team of professionals. Pure bliss and self-care awaits, as you embrace your unique hologenetic design and unlock your full potential through relaxation and ritual.



"This was an incredible opportunity to replenish mind, body and soul - and that's not something that anybody would understand until they complete this retreat and FEEL what that means. Coming home GLOWING inside and out - having a new sense of direction and purpose, clarity, understanding and an overall sense of calm. Truly letting go of the things that do not serve us, healing things within us we may not even realize need to be healed, and overall meeting inspiring women and men who lift you up and make you feel seen and heard. And the animals...the incredible sweet animals of the lodge.”
"The small group size was a huge factor in why we were interested in this wellness retreat, because you get so much more when it’s so intimate. I can’t recommend this retreat more! There’s not enough words to explain how healing this trip was. I instantly felt like I knew everyone for my whole life and everyone showed up with the same level of vulnerability! It was incredible and the educators were fantastic at their skill. 10/10"
"I am grateful for my experience on the Replenish Retreat. The leaders and teachings were phenomenal and group was intimate yet expansive. This time was deeply nourishing. I can't thank Kelli enough for her beautiful collaboration and vision. The ceremonies, human design, pacing of activities - I really appreciated the opportunity to practice yoga and move my body and therefore becoming more embodied prior to the human design learning which was totally a new area to learn about- I felt like I was ready to receive the download into my mind and into my heart having grounded first into my body. I also felt that the skin care and wellness instruction was appropriately timed as I already have a foundation there and the vibe relaxed.”
"My experience at the Replenish Retreat was truly a magical one. It’s difficult to find the right words to describe how deeply healing it was. It was an experience that allowed me to connect to myself and to my husband in a way that I will remember forever. I can’t begin to express how deeply grateful I was to spend time in such a healing space filled with love, generosity and ancient wisdom. A space that fostered a sense of safety and acceptance, allowing all of us to embrace and share our vulnerabilities and truths with each other. The time that I spent with everyone at the retreat, whether as a group or on an individual level was medicine to my soul."